Important omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are involved in various bodily functions such as brain (250 mg DHA/d), heart (250 mg EPA + DHA/d) and eye functions (250 mg DHA/d). EPA and DHA are absorbed through our diet. They are mainly found in oily fish such as sardines, salmon, mackerel, etc. But it is difficult to provide the body with sufficient quantities of these essential omega-3s and especially those of good quality. Indeed, it is estimated that less than 20% of the world population consumes the recommended daily allowance of EPA and DHA (source: Stark et al., 2016).
One She+ Omega 3 soft capsule provides 380 mg of omega-3 from fish oil, providing no less than 300 mg EPA+DHA. This oil is of an unequalled purity. In particular, we have a very low tolerance with regard to environmental pollutants, thanks to an innovative technology which removes the impurities from marine pollution. Our product from this fish oil comes in the natural form of triglycerides which makes it more stable and resistant to oxidation than other oils in the form of ethyl esters (more sensitive).
Our Pregnancy range contains She+ Omega 3 Vegetal, a 100% vegetal omega-3 from DHA rich algal oil. One vegetal capsule provides 300 mg DHA. This algal oil has an unequaled purity thanks to an innovative technology.
Moreover, a patented process supplements our oils’ purity by combining plant antioxidants to stabilise the oils and prevent their peroxidation (oxidation of the oils).